This device is programmed to awaken divinity codes, enhance the awareness of your sovereign and divine nature, activate soul signature and purpose codes, and emanate Christ Consciousness 5D/6D energetic frequencies. The field of this device interacts with your field to create shift within your energy grid. This metaphysical tool is designed to amplify energy and intentions, especially those pertaining to Higher-Self Awareness, Soul-Purpose and Authentic Self-Expression in service to The All.
I purposefully chose Lemurian Seed Crystals, Copper and
Sacred Geometry to create these instruments.
Leumiran Quartz was one of my first crystal purchases. That beautiful crystal took me on a journey of inner-remembrance. Lemurian Seed Crystals are known as record keepers that carry wisdom within them until we are ready for the revelation of it. My journey with my Lemurian awakened within me the remembrance of my divine nature, of my soul purpose, and activated within me a sovereign passion for my Being and my Sacred Lightwork. So I chose to utilize this precious stone in these creations, to illuminate and amplify this remembrance in those that wish to receive it.
Copper is a sacred metal that enhances and amplifies energy due to its powerful conducting properties. It is known as the healing metal and utilized both in metaphysical and physical applications.
The Merkaba, or Star Tetrahedron shape, represents the powerful energy field of your Being and the energy field this instruments creates and sustains in support of it. It symbolizes divine union between your spiritual self and physical self, your inner divine feminine and inner divine masculine coming together as one. The Lemurian suspended within the Merkaba symbolizes the Divine Spark inside your Being, inside your energy field; your Higher-Self Awareness and Creative Source within that carries your Soul codes and intentions.
You are encouraged to consciously partner with this instrument in whatever way feels best for you. This could be placing it within your sacred space to charge that area with its programming, bringing it into meditation, placing it near you while you sleep in order to unlock Soul Wisdom within the dream state, or bringing it into your energy field to enhance channeled automatic writing in connection to your Higher-Self Awareness. In whatever way you choose to partner with it, its programming will emanate to energetically support your Soul's greatest and highest intentions within this lifetime.
Each piece is imbued with my energy and intention during its creation and will be blessed and attuned with Celestial Coding upon each sale.
The Inner-Source Illuminator is a handcrafted, intentionally designed metaphysical tool created to illuminate and amplify the Higher-Self, or Creative Source, within your Being.
Now Available on Etsy
This Copper Pyramid is a handcrafted, intentionally designed metaphysical tool created to generate energy, hold and anchor your sacred space, and restore/recharge your spiritual tools.
This metaphysical tool is designed to amplify energy and intentions related to charging, cleansing and imbuing your personal space, tools and devices.
It can be used to cleanse restore, recharge your spiritual/metaphysical tools like crystals, pendulums, oracle cards and even jewelry.
You are encouraged to consciously partner with this instrument in whatever way feels best for you. This could be placing it within your sacred space to charge that area with its pure and harmonized energy, bringing it into meditation, or placing your tools, items and devices within in it to cleanse/charge and restore their natural energy. You can also use the copper pyramid to imbue your spiritual/metaphysical tools with your energetic intentions.
Each piece is imbued with my energy and intention during its creation and will be blessed upon each sale.
Now Available on Etsy
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This Lemurian & Copper Dreamcatcher is handcrafted and intentionally designed to energize and uplift your sacred space.
This wall decor is was created to hold and anchor uplifting energy and intentions within your sacred space. Feel the positive vibes and supportive energy emanating from this decor, changing and enhancing the energy in your space. Copper is a sacred metal known to conduct and amplify energy. Lemurian Seed Crystals are known as record keepers that carry wisdom within them until we are ready for the revelation of it. And the triangle is a sacred shape depicting the trinity. You are encouraged to consciously partner with this piece by placing it within your sacred space to charge that area with its pure and harmonized energy.
Each piece is imbued with my energy and intention during its creation and will be blessed upon each sale.