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for womxn visionaries who are ready

to expand into their creatrix energy,

own their desires, show-up for their dreams,

and live on purpose in alignment with their vision





You have a fire in your heart. YOU HAVE A VISION FOR YOUR LIFE.

You know you have sacred gifts to offer the world.

You know you're here for a purpose.

But you feel completely overwhelmed by all the information, options, different paths and strategies for turning your dreams into reality. It seems like other people have it figured out; they're finding their passions, owning their magic, living their heart out loud, making their dreams come true, while you spin in circles.


You're motivated, you know what you want. You know it's going to take mindset, an action plan and execution to make shit happen. So you've listened to podcasts, read all the books, purchased courses and programs, but instead of feeling like you're making meaningful progress, you feel like you're somewhere between stuck in a rut and spread out all over the place.


And most days you find yourself wondering,

"wtf am I supposed to be doing?!

why doesn't it feel like it's working?!

what am I missing?!

how do I make this happen so I achieve the impact I know I'm here for?"


I totally get it.

I know that overwhelm on where/how to begin moving the needle on your dreams is getting old.

  • You want to deeply own your desires, to whole-heartedly believe in them and your vision, instead of feeling guilt or shame for wanting what you want.

  • You want to find your flow, to move from a place of self-trust, instead of continually wondering if you are making the "right" choices.

  • You want to feel empowered in your felt sense of purpose, confident in how you show-up in the world, take action and move on your decisions, instead of always second-guessing yourself.

  • You want to slow down, to find a pleasurable path for achieving your goals, instead of feeling like you have to hustle, overwork and spread yourself thin.

  • You want to go all in on making your dreams a reality, to fully commit to your vision, instead of abandoning your plans or self-sabotaging when a challenge arises.

  • You want to experience freedom and fulfillment, just by being your whole self! Instead of feeding into any more stories that say you must "fix" or "heal" yourself before you can earn your happiness.

but all of that feels so far away...

Listen, there isn't a magical formula or some secret knowledge that you just haven't discovered yet. In fact, that endless search for the "one thing" that's going to make it all work is absolutely holding you back.

There isn't a missing piece. You already have all the pieces you need to live your heart out loud, do big things and actualize the vision you know you're here for. You just need to give yourself the grace to be messy while you actually put all of the pieces together.

Are you ready to build an embodied relationship

with your creatrix energy and manifesting prowess?



I know, I know. Your brain is giving you a million reasons why it can't be that simple. But that is the mindset block holding you back, keeping you searching for the "one thing" that's going to fix it all instead of taking consistent and aligned action on what you already know.

Hear me out... You don't need to play into the enoughness game --> questioning if you know enough, have enough, are enough, to start making moves on your dreams. Every time you abandon your goals to hunt for that magical formula or missing piece to get you to "enough", you stifle progress and momentum, play into imposter syndrome and send yourself off the rails and into a worthiness mindfuck. Sound familiar??


you don't need to learn any more about how to be happy, successful and impactful.

You need to start practicing what your version of happy, successful and impactful looks and feels like.

Growth, transformation and actualization take good old fashioned patience, process and practice.

Seriously, think about it! Reading the top 10 best selling cook books doesn't make you a master chef. It's the experience of being in the kitchen, practicing your art, failing, fucking it up, sticking with it, refining as you go, consistently honing your craft that makes all the difference.

Now, this doesn't mean that we can't experience fast results or see things shift quickly. But honestly, I am so tired of the spiritual and wellness spaces trying to sell easy buttons and quick fixes.

This program isn't that.


I believe there's a profound depth to life when we approach it from the perspective of practice versus arrival.

You are a complex and dynamic being, Creatrix!

The magic lies in embracing the complexity, in falling in love with your process, in giving yourself enough grace to cultivate synergy between all the moving parts. That's what we call getting out of your own way. That's when shit starts to shift.

And let's be honest, it is so much easier to do this deep work with support, with other driven and passionate people, supporting and encouraging one another, growing together.

Enter, Embodied Creatrix

A sacred container designed to facilitate embodied transformation and foster radical growth so that you can fully commit to the things your heart longs for and move the needle on actualizing your dreams

through community, group coaching, and deep soul alignment.

this isn't just another course

this isn't a one-size-fits-all formula to follow

this is way more than just a group coaching program

This is you becoming more of yourself and embodying your inner-creatrix in real time so you can


This immersive program will completely shift the way you relate to and experience your self in the world and transform the way you show-up in ownership of your capacity as a change-maker.

This is a container for alchemy and aligned-action where you can take up space, receive support and get yourself served so that you can show-up fully for your vision, get comfortable in taking big and bold action on your dreams, and engage your agency as an empowered, Embodied Creatrix.


I'm here to help you break free from the cycles of confusion, the patterns of self-doubt and the game of playing small. It is my mission to empower you with the tools needed to live on purpose with clarity + conviction in your soul's vision so that you can step into your wholeself, boldly express your medicine, make a meaningful impact in your circles, transform your dreams into lived reality and feel good doing it.

No more bullshit, burnout or bypassing your humanity in order to be spiritually fulfilled, successful, impactful etc.

hello empowered, embodied creatrix!

The desires of your heart are just the seeds of your soul's vision. To bring them to life, you can't just day-dream about them. You have to become them in action. Practice, not arrival, remember?


That is embodiment. It is wholeself creation magic.

We're going deep. We're getting real. We're shaking shit up.

Are you ready for the embodied initiation?

So how does all this work?

12 Weeks

3 Phases of Framework

Weekly Content Modules

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Private Support Community


clarify your desires, values & vision

via mindset + pleasure

commit to a plan that moves the needle

via strategy + impact

consistently show-up & serve your vision

via aligned-action + execution


Phase One



We'll begin with intention setting, discuss embodied awareness, explore your desires + dreams and work through the most common mindset blocks to showing-up as your wholeself.


We'll dig deeper into your desires + dreams to discover the energetic values beneath them, explore your human needs and experiment with pleasure practices (pleasure as in joyful/sensual, not necessarily sexual!)


We'll discuss the difference between you and your vision, how to use your values as a compass and work through the most common mindset blocks to taking action on your dreams.


No content this week. But we'll still meet for a group call!

Phase Two


We'll work through goal setting and putting together an action plan, discuss incorporating values & needs into your vision and the real role of mindset + pleasure practices.


We'll discuss the power of deciding, what it looks like to show-up and serve your vision, how to rewire beliefs, collapse timelines to your goals and work through mindset block on pleasure & receivership.


We'll do mindset work around recognizing and moving through your fears around change, visibility & impact so you can stay committed, stop self-sabotaging and feel empowered and fully expressed as a creatrix.


No content this week. But we'll still meet for a group call!

Phase Three


We'll discuss the realm of the both/and, the art of holding complexity, how to shift states through embodied awareness and emotional intelligence to get your mindset right and stay in pleasure & receivership.


We'll discuss the importance of staying present and celebrating little wins, and how to remember and embody ease when you begin to wobble on our beliefs or stray into old patterns like hustle mode.


We'll discuss the most common mistakes made when pursuing your vision, how to avoid them, stay consistent, refine your strategy if needed and embody a practice vs arrival approach in life.


No content this week. But we'll still meet for a group call!

This framework is designed to help you reclaim your agency as an Embodied Creatrix, step into receivership, activate self-leadership

and ultimately...


so you can own your embodied magic, live your heart out loud, transform your dreams into lived reality and feel fucking good while doing it.

Imagine how your life would your life shift if:

You had a support group to journey with, to collectively hold the vision and celebrate together as each of you pursued your unique desires and dreams

Whenever life gets overwhelming, there was a crowd of like-minded peeps to help you slow down, center, and remember your wholeself well-being so you don't burnout chasing your vision

You had a group of bad ass creatrix beings to keep you focused and consistent (and away from the playing small busy work that doesn't move the needle!), so that your actions create the most impact


Everytime you felt yourself slipping into old habits, there was a community to hold you accountable to the plan so that your momentum and progress doesn't lapse


You had a soft place to land, process and work through getting out of your own way


Whenever limiting beliefs and doubts surfaced (you know they will!) there was a support system there to walk you through a process of reframing those thoughts and owning your creatrix magic


You had a collective of driven visionaries to remind you of the value of slow, steady expansion when the results aren't coming as fast as you want so you don't burn it all down to start all over


Every time you wobbled on execution there was a community of like-minded dreamers to guide you through reconnecting to the unique why's behind your mission

You had a sacred container that allowed you to be your wholeself, to practice living your heart out loud while letting it all be messy, imperfect, creative and wild

feeling frustrated in actualizing your vision often comes from trying to solve for the wrong problem

When things don't pan out according to our plan or timeline, we often panic and slide right back into that enoughness mode and start searching outside of ourselves for that "thing" that will finally heal or fix you so you can figure it out.


There's nothing more to figure out. You already have everything you need. It's time to lean into the practice of putting it all together. Because it's never as simple as just a mindset issue, or just a strategy issue. Success comes from understanding how all aspects of the self interconnect so we can create congruence. And when you have an outside perspective (hi, that's me!) point out your blind spots and a sacred container to help you process through cultivating that synergy, magic happens.



Embodied Creatrix

is for you if:


  • you're tired of hustling and spreading yourself thin trying to figure it out and ready to dive into believing that you already have what you need to create transformation in your life

  • you're done putting your joy on hold for your dreams and ready to start embodying the higher-self version of you right now

  • you're sick of the busy/safe work that doesn't get you results and ready to ready to practice of the stuff that actually moves the needle

  • you're over feeling like you're constantly fighting yourself when it comes to actualizing your vision and ready to find that place of congruence and synergy

  • you're done playing small and ready to practice expanding into the next version of yourself

  • you've taken courses or programs before but didn't feel like you were able to be your wholeself and are ready for a container that allows you to be imperfectly human

  • you've been living burnt out and stressed out and are ready to step into ease and pleasure

  • you've read all the books and listened to all the podcasts but are ready to journey deeper with a support system and community

  • you've never taken a course or program like this before and are ready to go all in on something exciting and new!

  • you've been on a start-stop path and are ready to fully commit to your big desires and dreams


  • you don't know why this program is speaking to you but you just know you have to be a part of it

  • you are ready to invest in yourself and your dreams, to show-up for yourself in new ways

  • you don't know if you can commit to the live portions but know you'll get tremendous value anyway

  • you are nervous about taking a program like this but know it would be so transformational!

  • you want to take your creatrix power back, to live fully embodied and in ownership of your magic

Listen Creatrix,

You are a visionary. You know what you want.

This program is designed to help you step into it, own it, embody it.

Let's go!

Still not sure if this program is for you? Book a free Soul-Synergy Session with me!

> Get yourself some personalized 1:1 support for wherever you're at <
> Find out if this program is the next step for you (plus get access to a discount code!) <
> It's FREE! What are you waiting for?!? <

the deets


This journey is for individuals who identify as womxn, embodiments of feminine energy and/or who socialize as female, that are ready to exercise their self-leadership, decondition from hustle, activate a path of purpose & pleasure, clarify and align their goals to their values + vision, and receive support in showing-up and executing on their plan of action so they can embody their empowered creatrix energy, live on purpose, and serve their vision without burnout.


So I'm a white, cis, hetero woman. I do believe that who we are exists at the intersection of our innate soul architecture, our conditioned/practiced behavior, and our socio-cultural-political systems/structures. As such, I am doing work on anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion, and even though I believe this work can benefit anyone, these spaces tend to be majority white spaces. It is my intention to hold safe space but I recognize that because of the identities I hold, I will have blind spots. If harm is caused, I'm available for conversation and willing to work towards a restorative solution.


The early bird price is $829 for this immersive group coaching program. Early bird pricing ends on August 15th!

The full price of this program is $959. And there are payment plans available!

The coupon code (book a free call to get it!) works on early bird, regular, pay in full and payment plans.


This is a 12 week journey starting August 30th, 2021.


  • Weekly content modules, which include video lessons and comprehensive workbook downloads, drop every Monday in the student portal.

  • Weekly group coaching calls occur every Thursday at 1:00-2:30 PST with replays available!

  • We grow in community! There is a private Embodied Creatrix group on our platform to support your journey.

  • You'll have access to all the program content for 1 year after purchase.


Of course! Stay tuned in and be sure to check my platforms for scholarship information in the coming weeks. I'm happy to offer sliding scale pricing for BBIPOC & LGBTQ individuals. Email for more information.


I have a no refund policy. But I promise to go all in for your dreams and know that if you can do the same, some magical shit is going to happen :)

Hey there, Creatrix!

I'm Kelsey and I know exactly what all that questioning, second-guessing, shrinking and hustle overwhelm feels like, because I've been there!

I was in 'not enough' mode for years, playing small, constantly searching for the next thing that would finally ensure I knew enough, had done enough, was enough, to finally pursue my dreams.

But guess what? That "thing" never came.

What did happen you ask? I decided to step into receivership, to reclaim my wholeself. I decided that I had everything I needed to start serving my vision, to start living the life I knew I was meant for, to start making the impact I knew I was capable of, and to let it all be messy, imperfect, creative and wild.

Just imagine what it would feel like to:

Own your dreams & desires and have the energy to consistently show-up for them


Have a step-by-step plan that helps you get out of your own way, do big things and create lasting change


Define success on your own terms and the meaningful impact you generate


Trust your process and step fully into your power & ability to create the results you want in your life


Take bold action that makes big ripples instead of playing small and waiting for things to change

Live a life that turns you on, fuels your passion and allows you to be your whole and full self

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